first step of all Getting the copper board coated by the double face tape so it will stay sticked to the board while milling. 00. then i choose to start with 1/64” milling bit that is used for the PCBs millings.
ther is two bit one for milling traces which is () and one for cutting the outlines which is
Iadjust it inside the machine making sure it's more than 75% of it's length's inside the machine and then adjusting the correct XYZ axes to the board by the program.
The program is Vpanel and we are using arrows to change the place of the bit.
and we can choose a specific cursor step to move accordingly .
to record the coordination of the origins we click on the right as shown above.
What is Mods?
it's an online run program by MIT to generate rml files from png files to use the Roland machines .
Referring to the website i will put the steps in images to prepare the rml files **right click**s
right click and press program
choose server program
now we will choose the Roland 20 SRM (our lab's PCB milling machine)
now this windows will show up and we are ready to set-up settings for the millings
first i will upload the traces
(mill trace (1/64))then we will adjust the settings first is to make sure the cutting depth and
change the offset number to clear as much excess from the board design now i will set the coordinate x,y,z to 0,0,0.
now to export the .rml file we will need to add a save window by clicking on modules-save
and then we press calculate
now after saving this file i will upload it inside the v panel program that we open previously. and click cut
and then upload to start the machine.
the result
I will repeat the whole process but to the "traces" changing the set PCB defaults to (mill outline) and change the z origin acrrodingly to the new bit.
the result
Depending on component drawing that were provided I went to collect the parts that I have in our lab. tip brig a piece of paper with a double face tape on it and write down each component on a row and stick each componant next to it's name :) like this:
then solder every component on it's appropriate place.
so it went from this
to this
it was my first time soldering a board so i needed to check a short circuit by the multimeter